
Friday, October 25, 2013


Life isn't always full of happy days and positivity. Sometimes you may need to offset sad moments and negativity by finding solace. Some may call it an escape or finding peace, but solace is the idea or feeling of comfort during hard times. Solace is a way to keep your emotions and mental state in check while your journey of life takes an unexpected turn. An example would be if you get a bad grade on a test and you watch your favorite television show to take your mind off of the failure you endured. By doing this, it is possible to reset your mood and thoughts so that you can either move on or attempt to try again with your shortcomings. Finding solace isn't just limited to watching t.v. Solace can range from artistic expressions, conversing with friends, traveling, trying new foods, reading inspirational books, etc. The trick is to find out what keeps you "sane" during chaotic moments so you can effectively function. What may work for someone you know may not necessarily work for you. Be in mind that the concept is to avoid being overwhelmed by the lows of life, not to ignore them. If what you find solace in is affecting your progression or ability to alleviate negative situations then you may need to find another way to do so. Finding peace in various activities and moments can be difficult, but if you are true to yourself and do whats best for you, it can make things a little more easier to handle.

"Live life, responsibly"

-Kelly McGhee

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