
Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Power is the capacity or ability to execute or act effectively. Many people claim to be or aspire to become powerful in thier lifetime. Having this feature can give you much control or influence over situations that you engage in and because of this, it makes you a valuable asset. Everyone has a power or something that gives them the edge when going up against an opposing force. Some are physically powerful while others are mentally strong. There are even those who have great leaderships, so they possess strength in the number of followers they have. As tempting as it may present itself to be, power has a very corruptive nature to those who are morally weak. We all have seen or heard stories of people who have fallen because they were consumed with a thirst for power. No matter how hard you try you cannot obtain power over all and attempting to will only bring you failure and misfortune down the road. It would be more wise to play to your strengths that counteract your weaknesses. All in all, power is an aspect of life that can be used to acomplish great feats and influence change but no one man or woman can have it all.

"Live life, responsibly"

-Kelly McGhee

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